Rules for the 2024 Pukekohe Franklin Camera Club Creative Focus Competition.


The competition will consist of four subjects:

1.Creative Focus:

Creative Focus - This is our OPEN Subject, so anything goes. In camera techniques (like slow shutter movement/double exposure) filters, layering, composite images, abstracts, you name it…go wild!!


Create impact by using striking colours, contrast and movement to make a dramatic master piece.  

3.Dreamy Scapes:

Use slow shutter, camera movememt, intentional blur, layering etc to give your image that subtle soft dreamy impression. 

4.Abstract Human:

Think 'art' when creating your image - that includes something human. 

Parts of the body, multiple exposures, camera movement  etc. 

Use creativity, colour, shapes and imagination to evoke emotion.

All techniques and subject matter are accepted, including textured overlays and composite images.

  • Photoshop or similar editing programmes may be used.
  • All photographic techniques and equipment is permitted, including intentional camera movement, distorting lenses and filters, and the use of painted backdrops.
  • All images and textures used must originate from your own photographic work, exposed by you the entrant.
  • Entries must be the work of the entrant alone.  Assistance with operating is permitted, but only at the specific direction of the author.  Constructive criticism by friends or mentors is permitted to a limited degree.
  • You may use artificial intelligence in the same way as you would use a human assistant.  That is to say, you may instruct the computer to modify the image you are working on by adjusting exposure and colour, and warping, removing and cloning elements, but you must not allow the computer to introduce any new element that is not already present in the (flattened) image.  You may NOT use the digital or the human assistant to do the thinking for you!
  • Composite images and textures may only contain images originally photographed by the author.  This embargo naturally means that you MUST NOT use filters that do such things as “add birds”, “add butterflies”, create clouds etc.
  • Digital techniques may be added to give the desired effect.
  • Images produced by enhanced digital programmes such as fractals or artificial intelligence are expressly forbidden.
  • Winning photographers may be asked how they have constructed the image.


  • It costs $20.00 for the first category entered, and $15.00 for each subsequent category.   You may enter up to four images in each category. 


  • Payment must be made by bank transfer to the Creative Focus bank account: No:- ASB - 12-3023-0367837-03. Please be sure to show your Entrant Number (0) and your surname () in the details box.


  • Entries are open from Monday 17 June until Sunday 21 July, 11.59PM.
  • There will be no extension of dates for entries.
  • There is a maximum of 4 entries per subject.


  • Images with a width less than 1200 pixels or a height of less than 750 pixels will be rejected by the server. 
  • Your image must have a maximum width of 3240 pixels, and a maximum height of 2160 pixels.   Images larger than that will be downsized to conform.
  • The height rule is relaxed in the case of a "letterbox" or "column" image. If a landscape image has a width of greater than 2200 pixels, the height is ignored. If a portrait image has a height equal to 2160 pixels, the width is ignored.
  • All files must be in JPEG format.


  • Images must have a title – any image named e.g. 'No Title' will not be accepted.



  • The images will be uploaded to the Creative Focus website.
  • You do not need to name your image files in any specific manner. 
  • The image title will be recorded as entered by you during the entry process. 
  • The photographer's details i.e. name, club affiliation (if appropriate), and contact details will be taken from your “account profile”
  • N.B. Check all details in the confirmation email sent by the system as these are how your image will be labelled in the digital catalogue if you are successful – If you need to make changes, please notify us ASAP.
  • N.B. Note the winning entries will be reproduced in a digital ebook, which will be available for all entrants on this website shortly after the judging is finished.  There will be no printed book this year.


  • Judging will commence shortly after Sunday 21 July.
    The images will be anonymous for judging.
  • Judges will be looking for good camera technique & creative photographic skill.
  • Images deemed to be offensive by the organizing committee will not be judged.

The following overall prize will be awarded: 

  • For each subject category there will be Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards, plus Honours, Highly commended, and Acceptances.
  • The three top placings in each subject will receive a trophy.
  • At the completion of the judges will choose the image which is to be the Pukekohe Franklin Camera Club Creative Focus - Competition Supreme Award Winner.
  • The Supreme Award Winner will receive a prize of $500.00. cash.
  • There may be additional sponsors' prizes.


  • On completion of the judging, the Coordinator will notify individuals by email of their results. A list of all successful applicants and the top images will be displayed on the Creative Focus website.
  • The Coordinator will prepare a slideshow of the images from each subject for showing on the website and at the prize giving to be held at the Franklin Arts Centre Pukekohe on Saturday 24 August, 6.30PM in conjunction with the Pukekohe Franklin Camera Club's exhibition.  Food and drinks will be provided. 
  • We will also be asking the permission of the 3 winners of each section (gold, silver and bronze) if we can print out their image at 240 ppi to put into our exhibition. The matted image will be sent to the winners after the exhibition - free of charge.  We will be inviting all participants to attend.  


The Pukekohe Franklin Camera Club shall be entitled without payment of any fee to the entrants, to display any image entered in this competition on:

  • the PFCC Creative Focus website;
  • Facebook;
  • to promote the Creative Focus competition;
  • as part of a slideshow at the National Convention.
  • reproduced in the digital ebook catalogue.


  • All personal details we hold in our database are visible to you only on the website and may be modified by you at will here: “account profile”
  • Copyright to entries remains at all times with you (the entrant). 
  • We will not divulge any of your personal details to anyone without your permission. 
  • We will use your details ONLY for important communication with you regarding the Pukekohe Franklin Camera Club Creative Focus Competition.


  • The committee reserves the right to disqualify any entry that it deems unsuitable for the intent of this competition.


  • Any dispute concerning the interpretation of these rules or the organization of the competition may be referred to the Creative Focus Sub Committee whose decision shall be final and binding.


  • The Pukekohe Franklin Camera Club will not be liable for any claims relating from your copyright or privacy infringements or disputes.
The Creative Focus Competition is proudly sponsored by: